View from the Stair Master

My gym - I never thought I would have a gym - is located across the street from where I work. I am proud of the fact that it took me fourteen years to actually join one. But now that I am a member MY gym has become part of my life style. Sometimes the onslaught of unwanted information via flat screen TVs (sound ON thank you) AND music blaring from the speakers is a teensy bit much. But now that I have finally made it to the last row of the cardio floor and discovered the hidden Stair Masters that look a bit forlorn and unloved, tucked away in the furthest corner, I can preside over the flock of screens and not be bothered. At 11pm things actually calm down considerably, the models have usually already gone home, the heavy lifters deserted their 75 lb dumbbells and it's just a handful of late workers who have finally FINALLY untangled themselves from their office chairs and are ready to get down, get sweaty and get it over with. Just like me.
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