The Christmas CD is in the CAN!

Me and my new best friend: the Gefell M 990 mic.

Yes, it's done. At least the recording part. Now comes the usual, mixing, mastering, what should we call this thing, and whose CD is it anyway? Oh, and let's not forget the COVER! Moody dark ECM landscape? Me in a risque outfit with a santa hat? A frog wearing a santa hat in an alien landscape, with three spaceships in the background and stonehenge to the left, with a speech bubble saying, "Kiss me, I'm Santa"?
Ah, the possibilities are endless.

Be sure to check back for the end result. Maybe we'll just call it "The Green Album".


  1. congrats! and I vote the frog in a risque outfit AND the santa hat but the stonehedge saying kiss me I'm stoned.


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